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"Souper" Bowl Sunday

February 11, 2024

This Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday! All are invited to worship with us and Special Musical Guests Freddie Britt & Company! Freddie Britt & Company is a gospel musical ensemble from Newnan, GA and they will be blessing us through the ministry of Music & Song. After worship, on behalf of the FCC Food Pantry, Pastor Sherwood Smith will be providing a Souper Bowl fellowship meal with soup, crackers, and salad. If able, please bring canned good to be donated to our Food Pantry. All are welcome to come and worship on this exciting Sunday! This will be a day of worship, music, fellowship, and the breaking of bread over a bowl of soup! 

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Ash Wednesday

February 14, 2024

On Ash Wednesday, at 6:30 p.m., we use ashes and communion to help us ponder our shortfalls and mortality, so as to lean on Jesus more fully. Ash Wednesday begins the Season of Lent.

Church Anniversary

April 2024

As April 3, 1949, recedes into the past, this celebration day is to remember the situation in Marietta at that time and how God placed First Christian Church in that milieu. 

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March 31, 2024

On Easter we rejoice in the resurrection of Christ, in the living Christ with us, and in the future resurrection of all Christ’s people. We use extra music in the worship on this day.

Mothers Day

may 12, 2024

On Mothers Day we honor our mothers by remembering their gifts to us and our families. You can display a picture of your mother if she can’t be present.


May 19, 2024

On Pentecost we lean into the expectations of what the Holy Spirit will do with us individually and as a church.

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Fathers Day

June 16, 2024

This celebration day is to honor the fathers in and surrounding Marietta, and to highlight the blessing that God-fearing fathers are, not only to their immediate families, but also to the entire community. 

All Saints Day

November 3, 2024

On All Saints Day we remember those who have passed away during the past year. We call their names and ring the bells.

Veterans Day

November 10, 2024

Many of the attenders at First Christian Church are veterans. We make this day’s celebration available to all around us as a place to bring your veteran to be honored, regardless of date or place or branch of service. 

Image by Jessica Radanavong


November 24, 2024

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2024

On Christmas Eve, we gather in a short and quiet worship with communion and candlelight, to light the last candle of Advent and to remember the reason for this joy.

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